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Nasal Consonants


Nasal consonants are letters produced with air going through the nasal passage. There are voiced nasals which involve vibration of the vocal cords, and voiceless nasals, which do not use the vocal cords.

Voiced Nasals

M in Alutiiq is equivalent to the English m sound.

  • minqun

N in Alutiiq is equivalent to the English n sound.

  • nanwaq

Ng is considered one letter in Alutiiq. It sounds like the ng in English “sing.”

  • angayuk
    buddy, pal, partner

When single letters n and g appear together in a word, they are separated by an apostrophe to show they are not the one-letter ng.

  • ungaq

  • un’gani
    out there

Voiceless Nasals

Hm,hn, and hng are variations of the letters mn, and ng. Linguists call them voiceless or unvoiced nasal consonants. They begin with a nasal h sound just like a puff of air, then the mn, or ng as described above. The puff of air should come from the nose, not from the mouth. You should be able to say hm with your mouth completely closed.

  • keghmartuq
    he/she/it is biting

  • arhnaq
    sea otter

  • kuinghnguartuq
    he/she/it is walking for fun

The voiceless nasals, especially hng, are quite rare in Alutiiq words.