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Alpine Blueberry, Bog Blueberry


Vaccinium uliginosum L.


This low-growing alpine blueberry occurs in bog, tundra, and alpine habitats. It has reddish twigs, early-blooming, urn-shaped pink or white flowers, oval-shaped leaves, and juicy, dark blue, edible berries. Alpine blueberries ripen in August and can be collected into September. However, rain and frost cause the berries to become watery and drop quickly.

Food: Used to make jams, jellies, and deserts, and often added to akutaq. Alpine blueberries were once preserved in oil or frozen water. Today people keep them in freezers.

Material: Used to make a purplish red dye.

Alpine Blueberry, Bog Blueberry
Woman with jar of blueberries