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Pacific Red Elder

Tuuciik; Qaruckaq

Tuuciik; Qaruckaq
Sambucus racemosa L.


This medium to large shrub has small, strong-smelling, yellowish white flowers that produce clusters of red berries. It is a widespread shrub of open woods and meadows may be further distinguished by its soft, pithy wood and compound leaves.

CAUTION: The seeds are poisonous.

Food: People make jelly from the berries.

Medicine: Tea made from elderberry flowers, or the plant’s white unripe berries, induces a cleansing sweat in those with fever, pneumonia, chills, flu, tuberculosis, and other chronic diseases. The tea also flushes poorly working kidneys. Both the inner and outer bark of the Pacific red elder can be used to relieve back problems in the steam bath, and switching with the leafy branches relieves aches, pains, and menstrual cramps.

Material: Wood used to make children’s pop guns.

Pacific Red Elder