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Single Delight, Shy Maiden (locally Star of Bethlehem)


Moneses uniflora (L.) A. Gray


A small herb with roundish, evergreen leaves at the base of a solitary stem. It produces a single, fragrant, white flower that faces downward. Grows in spruce forests.

Gathering: The entire plant may be used. It is best gathered in mid-summer or fall but especially when in flower. The roots may be dried for future use. 

Medicine: People use single delight tea to treat an array of illnesses, including pleurisy, pneumonia, tuberculosis, sore throat, and stomach disorders. The tea can also be used as a wash for wounds, sores, rashes, bunions, or corns. Some wash skin ailments with single delight tea before applying old salmonberry leaves. Single delight flowers are used in the steam bath to treat uterine tumors and other hard lumps that may be tumors.

Shy Maiden