Alutiiq Word of the Week

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85 words
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Ash — Paulaq, Peluq
Baby — Carliaq, Piipiq, Peipiq
Basket — Inartaq
Birch Bark — Qasrulek, Qasruq
Blanket — Ulik
Book — Naaqisuuteq
Box — Yaasiik
Braided Seal Gut — Qiluryaq
Bread — Gleipaq (N), Lliipaq (S), Gliipaq
Buy — Igu’urluku
Charcoal — Kianiq
Clean, Cleanse — P’rirca’iluni
Clothes washer — Iqai’isuuteq
Cook — Kenirluni, Uuceslluku
Cradle — Urnaq
Cup — Caskaq
Dipper, Ladle, Bailer — Qalutaq
Divorce (to) — Uniyulluku
Door — Amiik
Feather — Culuk
Fermented oil, berry pulp & vegetables — Tugluq
Fire — Keneq
Fish Cut for Drying — Seg’aq
Fish Head — Iqallum Nasqua
Floor — Nateq
Fry Bread — Alatiq (N), Alaciq (S)
Grass Mat — PiRaq, Alliqaruaq
Half Dried Fish — Kac’amaasaq
Hearth, Kitchen — Kenirwik
Home brew, Beer, Liquor — Piiwaq
House, Cabin — Engluq (N), Ungluq (S)
Kellidoor, Arctic Entry — Siinaq
Kettle — Cainiik
Kindling — ARastaup’kaat (N), ARastuup’kaat (S)
Kulich, Easter Bread — Kulic'aaq
Lamp — Laampaq
Laundry — Iqaiyat
Married couple — Tamallkuk
Meat — Kemek
Milk — Muluk’uuq (N), Muruk’uuq (S)
Mix, Stir Up — Akulluku
Money — Akit
Moss — Uruq
Oil — Uquq
Old Fish — Aakanaq
Outhouse — Nuus’hniik, Anarwik
Oven — Tug'awik
Partially Smoked Salmon — Sikiaq
Peg Calendar — Cisllaat
Perok, Fish Pie — PiRuq
Pet — Qungutuwaq
Photograph, Picture — PatReitaq (N), PatRiitaq (S)
Pipe — TRuup’kaaq, Pa’ipaaq
Plate — Qantaq (N), Alutaq (S)
Pot — Asuq
Potato — KaRtuugaaq
Radio — Riitiuq
Rain — Qiteq
Raw (to eat something raw) — Qasartuq
Salt — Taryuq, Sauliq
Seal Stomach — Isuwim Suqaa
Shed — SaRayaq
Smell — Narluni
Smoke — Puyuq
Smoked Salmon — Kupcuunaq, Palik, Paal’kaaq
Sod — Nikiiq
Sod House — Ciqlluaq
Spam — Spam-eq
Spices — Piturni'isuutet
Spider — MiskiiRaq
Splash It — Ciqiluku
Steam — Arillaq
Steam Bath, Banya — Maqiwik
Table — Stuuluq
Tent — Palat’kaaq, PaRat’kaaq
Tongs — Tuullek, Tuulautek
Trash — Callret
Ulu — Ulukaq
Whale Blubber — Kiimak
Whisker — Ungak
Wick — Kumaq
Wife — Nuliq
Wild Tasting, Gamey — Suarnituluni
Window — Gaaleq
Yeast — StRausiq (N), StRuusiq (S)
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