Alutiiq Word of the Week

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83 words
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Anchor — Kicaq
Antler — Ciruneq
Arrow — Ruuwaq
Awl — Siilaq, Siilagkaq (N)
Axe — TupuuRuq
Bailer — Imanga’iyutaq
Baleen — Kagit'ruaq
Barbed — Cukingq'rtuq
Bark — Qelltek
Barrel — Puuc’kaaq
Bend — Perlluku
Birch Bark — Qasrulek, Qasruq
Bola, Slingshot — Pelluquq
Bone — Neneq
Bow — Qitguyaq
Brick — TRipiitsaaq
Bridge — Arwiryaa'aq
Carve It — K’ligluku
Clay — Qikuq
Coal — Qetek
Comb — Kacagsuuteq
Computer — Umiartusqaq
Copper — Kanuyaq
Crab Pot — Sakursuuteq (S), Iwalrayagsuun (N)
Crested Auklet — Kungyuk
Cross — KRistaaq
Dentalium Shell — Aimhnaq
Feather — Culuk
Finger — Sua'aq
Glue — Nepyutaq, Nept’staq, Nep’at’staaq
Grasses — Weg’et
Gun — Nutek
Guts, Intestines — Qilut
Hair — Nuyat
Hammer — Mulut’uuk, Murut’uuk
Harpoon — Ayaquq
Hinge, to make — CaRniilalirluku
Hole — Cuknaq
Horn — Ciruneq
Iron — Cawik
Knot — Ilagluni
Mark — Ceterluki
Measure — Uspelluku
Mortar — Miiliwik
Mountain Goat — PaRanaq, Pehnaiq
Paddle, Oar — Anguaq
Paint, Color — KRaasirluni
Pluck — Meqciluku
Pumice — Mangil'un, Qapuk
Quiver — Ruuwauteq
Rattle — Kalla'un, Kalla'utaq
Red Cedar — Qar’usiq
Reuse — Atunkirlluku
Rim — Iterwik, Awatii
Rope, Cord — IRafkuq (S), ARafkuq (N)
Sand — Qaugyaq
Saw — Pilaq
Sea Lion — Wiinaq
Seal Float, Buoy — Pugtaqutaq
Seal Stomach — Isuwim Suqaa
Sewing Bag — Kakiwik
Shell — Salaq
Shell's Inside (Abalone, Mother of Pearl) — Salam Inua
Shovel — Lapaat’kaaq
Sinew — Qikarlluk
Slate — Ipegyaq
Sled — Saaniik
Telephone — Niuwasuuteq, Niuwat'staaq
Thorn, Sliver — Cukiq
Thread — Kelugkaq, K’lugkaq
Throwing Board — Nuqaq
Tlingits — Swaaciit, Kulusut
Tongs — Tuullek, Tuulautek
Trade, Exchange — Cimigiuq, Cimiyuq
Tree — Uqgwik (deciduous), Napaq (spruce)
Tree Pitch, Chewing Gum — Angeq
Ulu — Ulukaq
Urine — Etquq
Vertebra — Iiwaq
Walrus — Wiinarpak
War — Anguyaq
Whetstone — Minguutaq
Willow — Nimruyaq, Uqgwingcuk
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