102 Anthropology and Art Practice Building~root~>
Berkeley~root~>, CA~root~> 94720~root~>
United States~root~>
Berkeley~root~>, CA~root~> 94720~root~>
United States~root~>
(510) 643-1191~root~>
Phoebe A. Heart Museum of Anthropology Ethnographic collection consists of throwing boards, spoons, umiak models, hunting visor ornaments, arrows, gutskin bags, grass woven baskets, kayak models, bolas, bows, wooden carved bowl, beaded bracelet, cord, crochet needle, slate lance, dart, wooden dishes, doll fragment, beaded earrings, fastening peg, dolls, figurines, fishhook, fishing lure, harpoons, harpoon line, harpoon point, cap, model of sea otter hunting scene, kayak and paddle model, iron knife, stone oil lamp, lance head, beaded necklace, needle, paddle, paddle models, Bird skin parkas, projectile points, quivers, rattles, rope, sinew, snares, snowshoes, snuff boxes, spears, spear & dart models.