
Mask, Carved - Giinaquq

Mask, Carved
Mask, Carved
Mask, Carved
Mask, Carved
Mask, Carved
Wood/Plant material
Height: 3.5" Width: 6" Length: 8.5"
Old Savonski From letter to Fr. Kashevaroff Sept. 16, 1926, the donor described location. Resemble somewhat Aleut masks found in Dall, BAE-ER Pl. XXIX, with flat broad nose and high forehead. Accn Book p. 129 reads 4 very old wooden masks found in cave at Semenofski Village. Carved wooden mask. Humanoid, with high forehead and fairly flat nose, but not as well or realistically carved as some in this series. Eyes and nostrils carved out. Mask ends with side protrusions down from the upper lip, with lower jaw either broken off or never present.