
Mask, Carved - Giinaquq

Mask, Carved
Mask, Carved
Mask, Carved
Mask, Carved
Wood/Plant material;Human-made
Height: 2.5" Width: 5" Length: 7.5"
Old Savonski From letter to Fr. Kashevaroff Sept. 16, 1926, the donor described location. Resemble somewhat Aleut masks found in Dall, BAE-ER Pl. XXIX, with flat broad nose and high forehead. Accn Book p. 129 reads 4 very old wooden masks found in cave at Semenofski Village. Carved wooden mask. Humanoid, with high forehead and broad flat nose. One eye (left) is a slit, and the other one large and nearly round. Mouth and nostrils also carved out. There is a trace of red paint at the nostrils.