Mask, Carved - Giinaquq~root~>
Alaska State Museum > Alaska State Museum Alutiiq/Sugpiaq Ethnographic Collection
Wood/Plant material;Tooth
Height: 3"
Width: 6"
Length: 11.5"
20th century
Old Savonski
From letter to Fr. Kashevaroff Sept. 16, 1926, the donor described location. Resemble somewhat Aleut masks found in Dall, BAE-ER Pl. XXIX, with flat broad nose and high forehead. Accn Book p. 129 reads 4 very old wooden masks found in cave at Semenofski Village.
Wooden mask with high forehead and flat broad nose. Eyes are slits, even with one another. Straight slit for mouth with one remaining piece of tooth with indications of place for others along the upper lip. The one piece remaining appears to be the broken root end of a tooth, with the nerve cavity visible. Area of chin and lower lip is rotted away on the surface. Two holes on either side of mask at edges.~root~>