
Throwing Board - Nuqaq

Throwing Board
Throwing Board
Throwing Board
Wood/Plant material
Height: .75" Width: 2.5" Length: 18.75"
Card with specimen reads: "Throwing stick. From Aiaktalik, Goose Island, near Kodiak. Presented by Noble G. Ricketts, commander of US Coast Guard Cutter Haida." Throwing board carved of wood. Handle area narrowed and set down below upper surface of atlatl which had a deep spear shaft groove which tapers to the surface before the index-finger hole. Hook or spur at butt end missing. Thumb groove to the side, and three indentations for the fingers on the handle. Made of hardwood, broken at one side near butt end. Lower surface has flattened or truncated pyramid shape in cross section below area of index-finger hole.