
Basket, Spruce Root - Inartaq

Basket, Spruce Root
Basket, Spruce Root
Basket, Spruce Root
Basket, Spruce Root
Basket, Spruce Root
Basket, Spruce Root
Basket, Spruce Root
Basket, Spruce Root
Basket, Spruce Root
Spruce Root;Grass
Height: 10" Width: 10.5" Length: 11.25"
From Wickersham collection, from Ferry Museum, Tacoma, WA. Twined spruce root basket. Cylindrical, with slight flare. Decorated with false embroidery in three consecutive horizontal bands. Bands 1 and 3 are "the cross" (see gloss) and "half the head of salmonberry." Center band is the "tying" pattern. Design covers upper 2/3 of the basket.