
Model, Kayak (Three Hatch) - Qayangcuk

Model, Kayak (Three Hatch)
Model, Kayak (Three Hatch)
Model, Kayak (Three Hatch)
Hide;Sinew;Wood/Plant material
Height: 7.25" Width: 5" Length: 38.25"
20th century
The donor's father worked summers in Alaska from 1910-1920, and obtained the piece while in Alaska. Gift of Eugene Gerttula A three hatch baidarka kayak model, with a bifed bow type that indicates an Alutiiq origin. The seal hide cover is sewn to the wooden frame with braided sinew line. The wooden frame is partly painted with ocher red on the long members on the ribs; the base of the round wooden hatch frames are painted a thin dark color. The bottom ribs show the indentations of teeth from the dampening and bending process. The skin has a number of dark splotches.