Quyanaa minarluta – Thank you for giving (to us)
Many people, organizations, and agencies invested in the Alutiiq Museum in 2024. We extend our most sincere appreciation for their generosity and the commitment to preserving and sharing Alutiiq heritage that it represents.

In 2024, we moved our entire collection into a new basement vault with help from Rasmuson Foundation, Museums Alaska, and the EVOS Trustee Council.

In 2024, we published a book on Kodiak Alutiiq history with support from Koniag and the Institute of Museum and Library Service.

In 2024, we hosted beaded cuff workshops with support from the City of Kodiak and the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center.
2024 Supporters
Founding & Sustaining Organizations
Afognak Native Corporation, Akhiok-Kaguyak, Inc., Kodiak Area Native Association, Koniag, Leisnoi, Inc., Natives of Kodiak, Inc., Old Harbor Native Corporation, Ouzinkie Native Corporation
Agencies, Businesses, Foundations & Tribes
Alaska Community Foundation
Alaska Office of History & Archaeology
Alaska Sea Grant
Alaska SeaLife Center
Alaska State Council for the Arts
Alaska State Museum
Alyeska Pipeline Service Company
American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association
American Seafoods
Arizona State University Belmont Forum
Association of Moving Image Archivists
Bristol Bay Native Corporation
Carr’s Safeway
Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies
Chugach Regional Resources Commission
City of Kodiak
ConocoPhillips Alaska
Deckload Aviation
Discover Kodiak
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council
Eyecare Excellence
First National Bank Alaska
Fish Inc.
GCI Gives
Harborside Coffee
Highmark Marine
Institute of Museum & Library Services
Kodiak Public Broadcasting (KMXT)
Kodiak Arts Council
Kodiak Bay Services
Kodiak CHARR
Kodiak College
Kodiak Community Foundation
Kodiak Daily Mirror
Kodiak Diesel Inc.
Kodiak History Museum
Kodiak Island Borough
Kodiak Island Borough School District
Kodiak Lawncare
Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge
KPB Architects
Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies
Matson, Inc.
MJ Murdock Charitable Trust
Museums Alaska
National Park Service
Native Village of Afognak
Native Village of Larsen Bay
Native Village of Old Harbor
Native Village of Ouzinkie
Native Village of Port Lions
Old Harbor Native Corporation Settlement Trust
Pacific Northwest Alutiiq Culture Camp
Providence Kodiak Island Medical Center
Rasmuson Foundation
Seahawk Air
Spenard Builders Supply
Sun’aq Tribe of Kodiak
Tangirnaq Native Village
The CIRI Foundation
The Dorothy Cate & Thomas F. Frist Foundation as recommended by Dottie Frist
The Rockefeller Foundation
Trident Seafoods Corporation
Uganik Natives, Inc.
University of Alaska Fairbanks
US Bureau of Indian Affairs
US Fish & Wildlife Service
USCG Spouses Association of Kodiak
Vertigo Air
Members, Donors, & Volunteers
Aaron Amoth
Aaron Poe
Adam, Coco & Max Messner
Adam Messner
Adrian Furman
Alan & Diane Amoth
Albert Simeonoff & Family
Alberta Jones
Alex Cleghorn
Alexandra Painter
Alfred Quijance Jr.
April & Jeremy Counceller
Amanda Lancaster
Amy Margaris & Family
Amy Steffian & Steve Hall
Andrew & Melinda Abyo
Ann Bisping Smith
Arwen Botz
Barb Bundy
Barbara Cellarius
Barbara Rabold
Bernie Flam
Beth Lynk
Beth Steffian
Betty Walters
Beverly Roddy
Bill Fitzhugh
Blythe Brown
Bob Peterson
Brantley Robinson Family
Brent Watkins
Brianna & Travis Cooper
Carl Dobbins
Carmen Witte
Carol Henson
Carol Hult & Don Zimmerman
Carol Paquette
Cassey Rowland
Catherine, Caia & Keelin Rice
Candace Branson & David Tucker
Cece Esparza
Celine Ramio
Charlie & Rosmarie Davidson
Charlotte Furgione
Charlotte Irvin
Chelsea Dallal
Cheryl Eluska
Cheryl Heitman
Cheryl Lacy
Cheryl Sutter
Chris & Ken Holland
Chris Johnson
Christine Kaineg & Family
Chyian Heine
Cindi Feldman
Cindy Bower
Cliff & Kai Davidson
Clifford Selig
Colin Kraft
Corey & Katherine Gronn
Courtney Carothers
Dan Ogg & Sue Jeffery
Dale & Marie Rice
David & Elizabeth Odell
David & Sherry Harmes
David Heuman
David Carlsen
Dawn & Brian Kewan
Debra & Thomas Corbett
Deborah Woodward
DeeDee Christofferson
Dehrich Schmidt-Chya
Denise May
Dennis Metrokin
Derek Bowers
Doreece Mutch
Diane Kaplan
Dionisio Barboza
Dixie Dayo
Djuna Davidson
Donald W. Clark Estate
Donene & Arnie Tweten
Donna Roduta
Edward & Shirley Lesky
Ellen Helgason
Elmer Lotter
Emily Lewis
Erica Guyer
Eric Thor & Tonya Olsen
Esther & Tony Furio
Evan Rose
Evelyn Wiszinckas
Evie Russell
Fred Sargent
Fred Coyle
Freddie Christiansen
Frederic Freyer
Feryll Blan
Gary Eller
Gary & Rita Steven
Germaine Salmine
Gerald Anderson
George Wichers
Gladys Allen
Gloria & Jerome Selby
Gordon Pullar Jr.
Greg Razo
Gretchen Hery Sziebert
Gwen Sargent
Helena Jacobs
Harry & Brigid Dodge
Hollis Miller
Idamarie & Leroy Piccard
Ingrid Hansen
James Blackburn
James Clifford & Judith Aissen
Jana Turvey
Janelle Snider
Janice Klein
Jason Brantley
Jason Fox
Jay & Katie Wattum
Jeannine Marsh
Jeff Chester
Jerome & Gloria Selby
Jerry Laktonen
Jim & Joy Arneson
Jim Simon & Kevin Mechem
Joan & Stephan Parsons
Joanne Mulcahy
Jocelyn Johnson
Jocene Warnecke
John Nichols
Jon Panamaroff
Josh Vanderbur
Juan Alvarez
Judith Vallegas
Julie Counceller
Julie Wahl
Juney Mullan
Katherine Arndt
Katie Kavanaugh Fund at the Alaska Community Foundation
Kathleen McKnight
Kevin & Wenona Suydam
Keller & Michelle Wattum
Kelly Elizabeth
Kerry Irons & Scott Smiley
Kevin Wideman
Kimberly Homolka
Kris Leite
Kristina Van Hoogmoed
LaRita DeYoung
LaToya Lukin
Laura Beck
Laura & Jackie Muller
Laurie Richmond
Lee VanWagner
Leo & Beth Kouremetis
Leslie Watson
Linda Dallal McElmurry
Lisa Ruble
Lita Eckland
Lorena Skonberg
Loretta Nelson
Lori Walker
Louise Halvorsen
Luanne & Jayson Cottle
Madeline Kreger
Matt Barton
Matt & Chris Jamin
Matt Olsen
Matthew Carle
Marilee Coles-Ritchie
Malia Villegas
Marcia Oswalt
Maria Williams
Marnie Leist
Marni Zampa
Mary Jane P. Townsend
Mary Jane & Tim Longrich
Mary Saltonstall & John Hanson Jr.
Mary Tougas
Meagan & Ken Christiansen
Megan Partlow
Meghan Kelly & Rob Baer
Melayna Halvorsen
Melinda Lamp
Michael Bach & Natura Richardson
Michael & Susan Killen
Michael Galloway
Michael Pestrikoff
Michelle Sparck
Mike Rostad
Mitch & Sasha Keplinger
Molly Carver
Monica & John James
Nancy Frost
Nancy Jencks
Nancy Nelson
Nancy Valente
Natalia Johnson
Nick Mauro
Nina Gronn
Norman Wooten
Okalena Lekanoff-Gregory
O’Raun Anderson
Paulette Stream
Patricia Partnow
Pat Branson & Gordon Gould
Pat & Nick Szabo
Pat & Patty Holmes
Pat & Carolyn Heitman
Patrick Saltonstall
Perry Eaton
Peter Boskofsky
Peter Cummisky
Phillip Vollands
Poe Family
Price Family
Rachael & Dale Nelson
Ray & Stella Krumrey
Rita & Gary Stevens
Roberts Family
Robert Korth
Robin Kleinjans-McKee
Roger & Denice Clyne
Roger McCracken
Ron & Fabiula Unger
Ronna Myles-Era
Ryan Ellison
R.W. Seibert
Salli Warinner
Sandra Squires
Sandra Smith-Poling & Mitchell Poling
Sam Booch
Samantha Heglin
Sara Kastelic
Sarah Harrington
Shauna Hegna
Shannon Anderson
Sharon Beeson
Sheila A. Leinberger
Sheryl Blackman
Sofia Chya
Sonja Delgado
Stacey & Brock Simmons
Stacy Studebaker & Family
Steve Helgason
Steven & Linda Suydam
Sue Ramaglia
Suzanne Abraham
Sven & Balika Haakanson
Teri Schneider
Tim Hurley
Tom & Chris Abell
Tony Cagne
Tony & Sandee Drabek
Tracy Pullar
Trevor Gridley
Tyan & Tony Hayes
Vickie & Jerry Carmichael
Vicki Randolph
Vicki Vanek
Wallace & Beth Fields
Wayne Stevens
Wanda & Bob Scholze
Wayne & Patricia Kozak
Wayne Zampa & Bernadette Shelley
William Morse & Cynthia Strout
Willow Hetrick