Give Your Time and Talents
Volunteers are an essential part of the Alutiiq Museum and we appreciate the hundreds of hours community members donate each year. Volunteers help with everything from tours and events to serving on committees, caring for collections, and completing research. Volunteering is a great way to learn more about Alutiiq Heritage and make friends. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact Djuna Davidson, 844-425-8844.
Quyanaa ikayurluta. — Thank you for helping us.
Volunteers assist with moving collections to the new museum vault, 2024.
Community members are vital in planning and evaluating the museum’s work and we have both long-term and project-based committees. If you are interested in serving on a museum committee please contact the lead staff member.
Collections Committee
Reviews collections offered to the museum as gifts and loans and makes a recommendation to our board. Led by Amanda Lancaster, 844-425-8844.
Qik Committee
A group of Alutiiq speakers and learners that plan language documentation and education projects. Led by Dehrich Chya, 844-425-8844.
Exhibit Committee
Assists museum staff in developing gallery exhibit themes, content, and designs. Led by Alex Painter, 844-425-8844.
Volunteer of the Year
In honor of Valentine’s Day, the Alutiiq Museum likes to show a little love for its volunteers. We are fortunate to have many friends who contribute their time and talents to our work. To highlight the importance of our volunteers, we honor one outstanding contribution with our Volunteer of the Year award.
Bonnie & Jim Dillard
2023 — Jim & Bonnie Dillard
Past Honorees
2022 — Chris Wooley
Chris Wooley helped the museum research the lives of two Alutiiq teenagers who died while attending the Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Pennsylvania.
2021 — Shelly Lawson
An educator with the US Fish & Wildlife Service, Shelly has been reaching out to the museum for many years to partner on projects and volunteer her time to advance cultural education.
2020 — Lydia Olsen
Lydia spent hours assembling photographs to create an archive of over 3,000 images of her large Alutiiq family for the Alutiiq Museum’s collections.
2020 – Lydia Olsen
2019 – Bret Watkins
2018 – Dionisio (Niche) Barbosa
2017 – Alice Ryser
2016 – Julia Fine
2015 – Anna Donaldson
2014 – Bridgid & Harry Dodge
2013 – So-young Park
2012 – Andrea Gover
2011 – Carrie Williams Barker
2010 – Leslie Watson
2009 – Justin Hays