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Photographic Collections

Our Images

Fishing boats docked in Old Harbor, 2021.

Photographs are among the most widely used museum collections. People consult our photographs to study recent Alutiiq history, find pictures of family members, illustrate publications, learn about traditions, and study the Kodiak environment. Our collections document Alutiiq life from the late nineteenth century to the present and include images of people, communities, plants, wildlife, and scenery from across the Kodiak Archipelago.

Photograph Requests

The museum’s photograph collections are available for research and reproduction, following the guidelines outlined below.  For assistance accessing museum photographs, please contact Curator of collections Amanda Lancaster, 844-425-8844, x122.

Port Lions High School students and their teachers in the 1980s.  Courtesy of the City of Port Lions, AM950.

Conduct Research

If you would like to look at our photo collections, please complete the research request below and schedule an appointment with Amanda Lancaster, 844-425-8844, x122.

Allen Christiansen and sons with a king salmon, AM920.

Request A Photo

The museum only distributes images for which it owns the copyright and charges fees for image duplication   and commercial uses. To learn more about our photographic services, please read the handout linked below.  

Mrs. Olive Norell and her son Carpa, 1937.  Gift to the Community Photo Archive from Barbara Hochmuth. AM1048.

Preserve & Share Your Photos

We are building a collection of Alutiiq family photographs. All members of the Alutiiq community are invited to share family photos to help document Alutiiq life—now and in the past, in Kodiak or beyond. Future generations will thank you!

We accept both digital and paper photos. If you like, we can scan and return your paper originals and preserve a digital copy in our files. This is a complimentary service, available as staff time permits. Contact Amanda Lancaster, 844-425-8844, x122, to learn more.