Alutiiq Word of the Week

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60 words
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Afognak — Ag’waneq
Aiaktalik Island — Angyaartalek
Akhiok — Kasukuak
Alaska — Alas’kaaq
Aleut Town — Nasqualek
Alitak — All’itaq, Alitaq
Anchorage — Kicarwik
Barren Islands — Qukami Qik’rtat
Bog, Swamp — Maraq
Cannery — KaanaRiiq, FaapRiikaaq
Cannery Store — KaanaRiim Laaf’kaa’a
Cave — Legtaq, Qaiqunaq (old form)
Chignik — Cirniq
Chiniak — Cingiyaq
Chipped One — Ilaiyarngasqaq
Chirikof Island — Ukamuk
Church — Agayuwik
Cook Inlet — Cungaciq
Crying Place — Qiawik
Dangerous — Uluranaq
Eagle Harbor — Irak
English Bay — Nanwalek
Fox Lagoon — Awa'uq
Frazer Lake — Unugtuaraa
Harbor — Kangiyangcuk, Kicarwik
Island — Qik’rtaq
Kaguyak — Kangiyaq
Karluk — Kal’ut, Kal’uq
Kenai Peninsula Person — Kenaayuq, Kangiyarmiu’aq, Kangiyarmiuq
Kiavak Bay — Kia’iwik
Kiliuda Bay — Kilutaq
Kodiak City — Sun'aq
Larsen Bay — Uyaqsaq
Lower Forty-Eight States — Camani
Marmot Island — Nailiraq
Monk’s Lagoon — Anwik
Old Harbor — Nuniaq
Olga Bay — Uqtuk
Ouzinkie — Uusenkaaq
Pasagshak — Pas'rsaq
Port Graham — Paluwik
Port Hobron — Masriluq
Port Lions — Masiqsiraq
Portage — Aimqaq
Prince William Sound People — Ungalarmiu’at, Ungalarmiut
Refuge Rock, Fortress — Nagaayuq
School — Skauluq (N), Skuuluq (S)
Shearwater Bay — Siiwat'Rpiq; Aq'iraq
Shelikof Strait — Imarpiaq
Shuyak Island — Suu’aq, Suyaraq
Sitkalidak Island — Salliitaq, Saliitaq
Sitkinak Island — Sigtunaq
Three Saints Bay — Sun’alleq
Throat, Outlet — Igya’aq
Tugidak Island — Tuiy'uq
Ugak Island — Uguaq
Uganik Island — Unganuuk
Uyak Bay — Uyaq
Viekoda Bay — Kangruiq
Woody Island — Tangirnaq
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