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Artist Gallery

Mt. Barometer, watercolor by Helen Simeonoff, 2010, purchased with support from Rasmuson Foundation.

Meet Alutiiq, Native, and Kodiak Artists

Welcome to the Alutiiq Museum’s online artist gallery, featuring artists whose work is inspired by Alutiiq heritage and the museum’s collections. Most of the artists featured here are Alutiiq/Sugpiaq people. Others are Alaska Native (*), Native American (#), or local (+) artists.

The Alutiiq Museum Store sells works by many of these artists. For information on our inventory, if you are an artist who would like a page to share your work, or to learn more about the services we offer the creative community, please contact Chyian Heine or call 844-425-8844. If you would like a page on our site, please fill out our artist questionnaire.  

Key: Most of the artists featured here are Alutiiq/Sugpiaq people.  Those of other backgrounds are shown as follows, (*) Alaska Native artist, (#) Native American artist, (+) local artist.