Cheryl Lacy
Medium: Beading, Graphic Arts

My name is Cheryl Lacy. I am of Sugpiaq descent. I was born and raised in Anchorage and I am an Alaska Native Silver-hand artist. I am predominately self-taught however, I spent time studying art at the University of Alaska Mat-Su campus.
My work has been published in magazines and a bead catalog, traveled the United States in various art exhibits, and can be found on my website and several Alaskan art galleries.
I have been drawing and painting all my life. I live, breathe and NEED to draw every day. It is not an occupation, it is who I am. My art reflects the journey to learn more about myself, where I came from, and introduce people to Alaska Native culture. I love to create stories with personified animals. My animals can get away with a lot of mischief and usually make people chuckle. My favorite mediums are pencil, pen, charcoal, watercolors and acrylics. I also use non-traditional material to make pictures—beads and found objects. I love to hear people say “How did you do that?”, “What did you use?”, and “I have never seen anything like that before.” Leaming new techniques and how to use new material helps my creativity.
I am one of the luckiest people because my work is something that I love to do. To be able to tell stories through artwork, whether it’s from my imagination, fun things to do, or places I’ve been, brings me great joy. I can’t wait to see where this road takes me. . . .
Artist Gallery
Contact Information
(907) 373-7896
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The Alutiiq Museum Store works with many of the artists in this gallery. Visit the store to see more examples of their work.
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