Lena Amason
Medium: Carving, Painting, Drawing

“At the heart of my work are stories and memories of adventures on and in the waters surrounding Kodiak Island: beach walks, skiff rides, hunting, subsistence, and commercial fishing days. Old fishing boats, gear sheds, and beaches are places I go to find fluorescent vinyl buoys, bright pieces of plexiglass, sea-scraped marine-grade plywood, cedar for carving. Lines carved, and areas sanded and painted again, reveal layers of paint and pencil markings. These images intentionally echo elements of historical design found in ancient Alutiiq hunting and fishing related objects and show the reverence I hold for the people who made them and the beautiful and perilous life they once lived on this island.
Similarly, out of respect for modern village subsistence and commercial fishing people, I use imagery from this current Kodiak culture: the bold racing stripe combinations and stenciled identifying numbers on our local fishing boats and planes, the splash of a salmon in the net, or the killer whale surfacing near your boat as a warning to leave his fishing area. Marks scratched, sanded, and carved recall the way the wind, sun, and waves alter work surfaces on boats and gear, how seasons and weather affect the shades of the land, water, and sky.
The days of all kinds of weather and attitudes of animals and people of this Island; the humor found in the things we say, the combination of Alutiiq/Russian/English languages to explain situations or create names and titles, experiences of encounters with local animals, birds, and marine life, and the belief systems and unspoken rules, the kind of local knowledge that can save your life if the weather comes up—these are what I pay attention to and what are on my mind as I show up every day to work in my studio, carve knife into wood, layer acrylic, draw into it with pencil, hit areas with sandpaper, and paint with oils. . . . the stories of my lifetime’s heritage that are worth telling.”
Artist Gallery
Artist Information
Contact: Stonington Gallery
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The Alutiiq Museum Store works with many of the artists in this gallery. Visit the store to see more examples of their work.
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