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Yvonne Mullan

Medium: Beading, Skin Sewing

Alutiiq artist Yvonne Mullan has been making artwork for over two decades, most of her adult life. She is particularly fond of beading and is known for her headdresses, headbands, earrings, bracelets, and barrettes. She also enjoys working with seal skins and sea otter pelts, transforming plush local furs into slippers, scarves, pillows, and gloves. 

Mullan was introduced to Alutiiq arts in high school and has been mentored by Susan Malutin and June Pardue. She refers to beading and sewing as her medicine. The arts are calming in a fast paced world and help her connect to her heritage.

Mullan likes to create works that are unique, that combine tradition with a modern twist. She enjoys wildflowers and often includes floral motifs in her beadwork. These designs remind her of the natural beauty of Kodiak and of family members—her grandmother and her aunt. The ocean, fish, and beading patterns from across Native America are also sources of inspiration. Mullan often mixes Alutiiq design elements with those from other Native cultures.

One of Mullan’s headdresses can be seen on display in the Afognak Native Corporation office, and she makes custom headdresses for individuals and for local dance groups. She sells her work online and in the Alutiiq Museum Store, and donates pieces to local auctions.

Artist Gallery

Contact Information

Yvonne Mullan

Social Media:
Facebook @ yvonne.mullan.10